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You Don't Have to Self-Publish Alone
If you are an author who's planning to self-publish, congratulations! Smart choice. Publishing a book yourself can be a great way to maximize book profits as well as creative control; however, navigating the winding road from writing to sales and distribution can be daunting. Add to that the realization that you have to figure out all of the moving parts including editors, designers and other book professionals.
The Book Formula Publishing consultancy was created to give independent authors access to experienced and professional book publishing professionals in one place. No more hopping around from site to site. We build your team for you based on your voice, the book's genre, where you are in the process and your goals.
We want to be your go-to resource for all things publishing. From ghostwriting to distribution and promotion, we have the experience and expertise to make your book shine.
To pair talented business professionals with publishing experts to create amazing books that make a difference.
To create a standard in self-publishing that visionaries can trust.

Shannon Clark
The book publishing industry looks nothing like it did in 2006 when I first stepped onto the playing field. Self-publishing was just catching up with technology, POD (print-on-demand) was just getting its sea legs, and online book distribution was sorely limited.
Authors who self-published weren’t considered “real” authors, and traditional publishers had the home-court advantage.
Oh, but how quickly things change. Fast forward to now, and we’re playing a completely different game. The playing field has leveled, and the barrier to entry in publishing has almost disappeared.
After running a traditional book publishing company for seven years and coaching self-publishers for many years afterward, I discovered that I preferred self-publishing. Empowering writers to take control of their brand’s legacy feels right.
In traditional publishing, authors always seemed to get the short end of the stick. I’ve seen talented authors hold too tightly to the opinions of acquisition editors and throw away their dream to become a published author because their book didn’t fit someone’s idea of a bestseller. I’ve also seen authors pour their hearts into their books only to have their creativity and vision stripped away under a publishing deal.
Every book is not destined for bestseller status. The market is too flooded, but that doesn’t discount a book’s potential to impact a large market segment.
I started this company because I believe every voice matters. It’s my mission to give authors the tools to professionally package their message with confidence and get it to as many readers as possible.